Pizza Oven Pizza!

All I can say is WOW. Pizza from an outdoor pizza oven. Sounds a little high-brow, but it's really not these days. I got my oven from Pacific Living and it does WAY more than pizza. Since I got the pizza stone and accessories, I figured I'd start with that. My boys weren't disappointed. In fact, the expression on Luke's face when he took his first bite was priceless.

Here's how it went down... First, I assembled the pie: half broccoli, half plain. Mozzarella and parmesan all over the whole thing.

Then, I popped that baby in the oven...on the preheated pizza stone (that makes all the difference for a crispy crust).

I peeked 5 minutes later...check out the expanding crust.

Five more minutes and BAM! Gorgeous pizza!

I tried to get a picture at the table, but my hungry natives were restless and I'm lucky I got this picture at all...

I must admit, the pizza was delicious, but I think the best part was cooking outdoors. It was like a party on a Tuesday night. Thanks Pacific Living, you've changed me.