Heavenly Corn Dogs

This past Friday, while my friend Gabriel and I were waiting for our kids at school pick-up, she mentioned that she was making corn dogs for dinner. Luke (my son) LOVES corn dogs but I never thought to make them from scratch (I know, I'm a bad mom). She said it was kind of an experiment, and she was planning to fiddle with a few recipes. Of course, as a foodie, I was intrigued! I couldn't wait to hear how they turned out, and I was psyched when she sent me this picture and a note that said they were awesome. Of course they were. I mean, look at them. What's not to love?

I asked her for the recipe (I kind of forgot she was "fiddling") and the sweetie pie WROTE THE WHOLE PROCESS out for me. Take note: Gabriel has 3 kids of varying ages (and a great hubby) and they ALL loved them! Enjoy and thanks Gabriel!

Gabriel's Heavenly Corn Dogs

1 pack hot dogs of choice
1 cup all-purpose flour (pus more for rolling dogs)
1 cup yellow cornmeal (next time i will use coarse ground, i think the texture would be great!)
4 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 cup milk
2 large eggs

Heat vegetable oil in a large Dutch oven over medium high heat to 350. (I don't like to use a ton of oil, so I fill up about 2-3 inches, enough to fry half of the corn dog and then flip it to fry the other half. this gives it a funny shape but I don't mind!).  While oil is heating, thread hot dogs onto skewers or chopsticks and roll in flour, dust off and set aside.  In large bowl combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, salt and pepper, to taste. In another bowl, whisk together milk and egg. Pour wet mixture over dry ingredients and stir using a rubber spatula just until moist.  Pour batter into a jar or glass that is tall enough to stick a hot dog into it. Working one at a time, dip hot dog in the batter until completely covered and carefully to hot oil.  You can dip and add about 2-3 hot dogs at a time depending on the size of your dutch oven. Adding more than that will change the temperature of the oil too much and isn't recommended.  Cook until evenly golden and crispy, about 2-3 minutes and then flip over to cook the other side. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate.
Serve immediately!  I haven't tried this yet but I'm sure you could flash freeze  and then store them in a ziploc freezer bag to be reheated in the oven later!