Six Layer Bean Dip

I also have to share a picture of my little one eating some wings with my husband (I didn't make them. I don't eat them. I don't like them. I don't make them). How was my child eating these spicy things like it was nothing?

The hubs wanted this on Super Bowl Sunday. I ate WAY TOO MUCH of it but it is really good and super hard to resist. I am kind of picky with my layered bean dips but this one is a never fail :)! You can make it your own by adding layers of chopped tomatoes, olives, corn, green onion, or guacamole but I like it as is. And every time I think of dips, I think of the AMAZING and simple Taco Seasoning Dip found here.

1 can refried beans
1 pound hamburger, cooked (don't forget plenty of salt and pepper) and drained
1/2 medium onion, diced (cooked during the last 3 minutes of cook time for the meat)
1/2 16-ounce container sour cream
1/2-1 cup salsa
4 ounces cheese, shredded (mexican or cheddar)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Place the refried beans in the bottom of a 9x9 pan. Cook in the 350 degree oven for about 5 minutes.
3. Top the refried beans with your cooked meat and onions. Place in the refrigerator until slightly cooled (so it doesn't melt your sour cream)
4. Spread the sour cream over the meat (it doesn't have to look pretty), spread the salsa over the sour cream, and sprinkle the shredded cheese over the salsa.
5. Place in the refrigerator until fully cooled. Enjoy with chips (we like Dorritos ... BOGO at Price Chopper).