Sorry about my late "Foto Friday." My husband had his first ever basketball game as a division one assistant coach. It was his scout and THEY WON! They beat a good team by 17 and I couldn't be more proud of everyone involved. As you can see above, I still have a picture for you (just a day late) of us watching practice one day last week.

Anyways, my friend from Becoming Betty invited me over to make cinnamon rolls last week. I have to admit, I have a tried and true Cinnamon Roll Recipe that I absolutely love. I have also had far too many bad homemade cinnamon rolls over the years. Whether they are over cooked, dry, hard, not enough filling, not enough frosting, etc... I would venture to say most homemade cinnamon rolls are not worth the time or effort. So going over there, I didn't know what to expect but I do know that I have loved everything she has made me and all the recipes that I have tried from her blog. I had to leave before they were done but luckily, she brought some over to my house later that night.

My family came into town that same night so I waited to crack open the containers until they got here. They arrived hungry after a long drive so I asked if they wanted any cinnamon rolls. Let me spare you and just say, I ate TWO cinnamon rolls (and these things were MASSIVE) by myself within the first hour of my family arriving. My oldest niece also ate TWO. The kids could not stop eating them. They were gone within 12 hours and she brought over two full containers of cinnamon rolls. That is all somewhat sickening to admit but I really just cannot put into words how incredible these bad boys were. So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Becoming Betty for introducing me to this recipe. I am making them for my husband and all of the coaches tomorrow and I cannot wait!

I will also tell you that I was also skeptical about not using cream cheese frosting on cinnamon rolls but trust me, this is the perfect frosting for these incredible cinnamon rolls.

Ingredients for the Dough
1 can evaporated milk
4 cups hot tap water
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup potato flakes
3 tablespoons yeast
2 tablespoons salt
12 -13 cups flour

Ingredients for the Filling
2 cups brown sugar, packed
5 tablespoons cinnamon
1 cup sugar1/3 cup butter, softened

Ingredients for the Frosting
1 cup butter, softened at room temperature
32 ounces powdered sugar
Dash of salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
Enough milk to make your frosting spreadable

1. Combine all ingredients but the flour together in a stand mixer. Add 11 cups of flour and mix. Continue mixing and adding more flour until the dough pulls away from the sides. Mix for 6 minutes.
2. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
3. Divide the dough in half or into thirds, depending on how big of cinnamon rolls you want. Roll out the dough onto a floured surface into a large rectangle. Cover the dough with a fair amount of melted butter (or you can use spreadable butter and brush it on with a pastry brush).
4. MIx the cinnamon and white sugar together. Sprinkle the dough with the cinnamon sugar mixture and then a TON of brown sugar (use WAY more than you think is necessary).
5. Roll up tight and cut the cinnamon rolls using a string or floss.
6. Place the cinnamon rolls in a pan and let rise until they have doubled in size.
7. Bake at 350 for 15-18 minutes, depending on how big your cinnamon rolls are.
8. Combine all the ingredients for the frosting. Frost the rolls with the buttercream frosting.