Caramel Sauce

I met this girl, Holly, in my ward last Sunday. She is absolutely fabulous and she has a food blog as well ... Becoming Betty!!! ... In addition to the fact that we both have food blogs, we have such similar things on our blogs so I know that I will like everything I make from her blog (which has been true thus far). I made this caramel sauce from her blog and it was just as good as she said! It is even better the second day, if it lasts...

1 cube butter
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup half and half
Dash of salt
1 tablespoon vanilla

1. Heat the butter, brown sugar, half and half, and salt on medium/low heat, stirring constantly.
2. Cook for about 7-10 minutes, or until it begins to thicken (Remember that the sauce will thicken as it cools. To test the caramel's thickness, place a tiny bit of the caramel into a glass of cold water.)
3. Place in the fridge for a few minutes to set and then serve over ice cream.

This also makes frosting. Add some of this to your choice of vanilla frosting to make caramel frosting.